Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It was Love at First Sight for Ziggy and His New Mom.

Here's the letter we received from Ziggy's new Mommy:

I've been meaning to send these to you for a long time, but I didn't have a camera and I do not have a computer with internet at my house. Ziggy Marley is the most wonderful dog on the face of the earth. I am so lucky to have found him. Thank you so much for letting me adopt this beautiful boy. We go on 2 mile walks 5 days a week and he gets all the treats and toys he can handle. I just love him so much and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him in my life. Thank you once again for everything and letting this wonderful boy come and be the love of my life.

Thank you so much,
Amanda Sweat


Millie said...

The follow up letters and pictures are wonderful aren't they? Lucky Ziggy!!

Mikes Dog House said...

Yes they are, M. It's what makes all the hard work, sweat and tears worthwhile!